Holy Selfishness

What is calling to you, what is yours to do in the world, is calling to you clearly. Clearly! What is calling to you to do is not one inch to the left or right, it’s not over there behind the potato chips – it’s exactly in front of you. Yes, that...

Savor the Girl Effect

I am in the midst of changing my mission from helping women live full, healthy lives to helping women savor and save the world. I’m letting go of my long time nickname (and URL) Comfort Queen and stepping into a whole new look and mission in the next few weeks....

Don’t Believe the Mean Voices

Here is how it seems to me this morning: Life is here, offering itself to you. Are you going to take it up on its offer? I am. I will forget I said that in just a moment, because fear will kidnap my heart and ride away with my desires. Until I remember again. I do so...