by jlouden | Apr 24, 2019 | Blog
I tell writers at my writing retreats: “Don’t confuse beginning with the beginning. Beginning is just starting. It has nothing to do with knowing what the opening of your piece, what your piece is ultimately about, or even where it will end up.”...
by jlouden | Apr 17, 2019 | Blog, Creativity, Self-Care & Comfort
This week I got some possibly scary health news. Nope, it’s not cancer or anything life-threatening, but it brought about one of those “holy shit!” moments; the first I’ve had. It’s also complicated with multiple physical things possibly converging to make me have odd...
by jlouden | Apr 9, 2019 | Favorites
I’m overdue to share what I’ve enjoyed in my eclectic reading life. Pick and choose what calls to you. Hope you find new books and ideas! ESSAYS, INTERVIEWS, AND SMALL BITS ONLINE A Neuroscientist on Love and Learning: An Interview with Richard DavidsonBecause love is...
by jlouden | Apr 3, 2019 | Blog, Creativity, Self-Care & Comfort
When you read this, I’ll be halfway through a seven-day writer’s retreat in a cabin off the grid, up high in the Colorado Rockies. I wanted to share my prep and my fears about going on a creative writing retreat because while I lead super fantastic in-person and...