How to Let Go

In your youth, letting go is naive. You do it  – blithely, even carelessly – because you do not know the costs. Gain some years, years pockmarked with goings you did not want, years dented by goings you did everything you could to prevent, and letting go...

Are You Avoiding Your Heart’s Desire?

I am called to lead you into sun drenched wholeness. I called to paint a picture of you free from shackles, shame, blame and ill health. I am called to model a whole-body yes to whatever life brings. I am called to help you find and live your heart’s desire. I am...

A Guide to Being Yourself

Dedicated to my Lilly girl 1 Dedicate yourself to wholeness. Perfection appears to be a much sexier partner but is actually a demon lover who will suck you dry and leave you bitter and broken. 2 Acknowledge what you experience and how you feel. It’s not about...