Emerson and Self-Trust: A Personal Invite

Tickled to be one of the “thought leaders” (that phrase always makes me giggle) celebrating Emerson’s 208th birthday. The Domino Project is republishing Self-Reliance by Emerson and to bring your attention to this lovely volume, they have a great...

Oprah’s Final Show

  “Start embracing the life that is calling you and use your life to serve the world.”   — Oprah Those words sing to you, don’t they? They make you say YES, please, YES! They certainly do me. (Thanks to everyone, including Goddess Leoni, who...

The Writer’s Retreat Contest Winner

Please read this post before you scan to see if you won – please. Being of service means choosing – choosing where you can give your limited time and energy, where you can share your limited resources. At first, I did not want to choose a winner for this...

The GPS of Your Soul

I drove back from a life-changing retreat lead by author and wise woman Christina Baldwin* yesterday noon. As I drove up the spine of Whidbey Island, past milk cows, spring greening cedars, pie shops and many espresso stands, I thought about what gets in our way after...

Savoring & Serving

An occasional round up of Savoring & Serving inspirations from my heart to yours: The Work that Goes into Magic In which the fab Colleen writes things like “I suspect that kings lose kingdoms because they have no one around them willing to argue against...