It’s Been a Year???

It’s been a year and a few days since I publicly declared my experiment of Savoring & Serving, an experiment of exploring how to marry what I love about being alive with addressing something of the world’s great needs. What have I learned? What results...

Find Your Tribe

A fab reader Mindy Essex asked me a fab question and I, in turn, do what I do best: asked other fab people – my heart tribe – what they think. Shaazzam! A post chock-a-block-full of fab-u-licious ideas. If  you read this and aren’t inspired, please...

A Custom Made Shero For You

Archetypes lend energy. Split open limitations. Download ancient truths. Pop you out of ordinary into lush wild what ifs. They can act as personal courage power strips – plug yourself in.  Archetypes give you backbone. And… archetypes can feel removed,...