by jlouden | Mar 28, 2011 | Favorites
A month and three days ago, Beth’s son was murdered. Beth belongs to my Savor & Serve community. She attended one of my retreats last year. Over the years, I’ve gotten to share her heart’s desires, to walk with her as she makes a life she loves...
by jlouden | Mar 22, 2011 | Favorites
Listening to NPR this morning, a doctor in Afghanistan said the entire country is very depressed. Caught between our drones and the Taliban, with no justice, no hope, no normalcy, despair is killing them. Driving home, I thought about how despair and depression...
by jlouden | Mar 18, 2011 | Favorites
Everything in my life is conspiring to teach me to savor & serve. I wonder if that is true for you, too? From the messages on the Yogi tea tags to every book I pick up to the interviews I did yesterday for Teach Now with Michael Jones, Brian Andreas and Lee-Ann...
by jlouden | Mar 16, 2011 | Favorites
by Michele Lisenbury Christensen and me As you read through the following list, you may see yourself more than once. We sure do. This list of ways we can approach teaching is both diagnostic and prescriptive – it will lead you to sparkling fresh insights and...
by jlouden | Mar 15, 2011 | Favorites
Can you feel it? I know you can. The world is pressing on you – the suffering, the uneasiness, the restless “get me out of here, make it safe again” feeling. People are worried, edgy, afraid. For good reason. How do you savor life in the midst of all...