by jlouden | Dec 28, 2013 | Creativity, Self-Care & Comfort, Favorites
Three weeks ago I made a bold decision: to create a program based on my body of work, a “greatest hits” of what I’ve been teaching and living for 21+ years. You see, my publisher, New World Library, is just releasing my book, The Life Organizer, in...
by jlouden | Dec 21, 2013 | Creativity, Self-Care & Comfort, Favorites
I love Christmas. I was raised celebrating Christmas. And when Lillian was tiny, I created a celebration around the Winter Solstice because I wanted to create an antidote to the Christmas I had grown up with. Our holiday was about how many presents my sister and I...
by jlouden | Dec 18, 2013 | Creativity, Self-Care & Comfort
I see all the times you followed your desires, without guilt or second-guessing or demanding a particular outcome. Even if only for a few breaths. I see all the times you stopped hurrying, played in the field of creative joy, took a nap, flowered with self-kindness. I...
by jlouden | Dec 1, 2013 | Creativity, Self-Care & Comfort
November has been a month of recognizing and inviting spaciousness. Case in point: I noticed that November in the Pacific NW always slows me down and I always seem to have a very full schedule. A light bulb moment came when I realized it isn’t the change in the...