Why Climate Conversations Matter

Why Climate Conversations Matter

I was at a party recently when the conversation turned to the recent extreme weather around the world and several friends crowded close to me and asked how worried they should be about climate change and how bad was it going to get and what should they do? I took a...
How to Be When the World is Burning

How to Be When the World is Burning

Like most people who pay attention to the climate, including perhaps you, I’ve been twisted with despair these last months as I read doom-filled report after report about the climate disaster. I facilitate between wanting to simply attend to my own desires — to...
Artists & Writers Making Climate Art

Artists & Writers Making Climate Art

I started this newsletter because climate activism is something I bother about and have since high school. I also started it because artists and writers have the skills we need to wake people up. Because we know fear and facts don’t get people to change, stories and...
Stop the Big Banks

Stop the Big Banks

If you’ve been following the climate news, you’ve heard the IPCC Synthesis Report for the 6th Assessment was recently released. To quote climate scientist Katherine Hayhoe, the report “summarizes the risks of inaction and rewards of action in seven key figures....
When You Can’t Face The Climate Situation

When You Can’t Face The Climate Situation

Because I’m having one of those weeks, really months, where I can’t face the news or the petro 💩heads misinformation campaigns or even take much pleasure in the good climate news. And that’s both okay and scary. Okay because I need to take breaks from the crisis. We...