Michele and I just finished teaching the 3rd round of TeachNow – a comprehensive program designed to transform both the inner & outer paths of teaching. We’ve now had over 280 students take the program. Grinning big about that I am!
This time around, we added a “gamification” element to help students engage – you could complete “quests” in exchange for coaching on the live calls, social media shout-outs, and a brief write-up in this blog post. I’m so chest-puffing proud to share these classes – these people are amazing, truly wise, deeply caring, with a ton to offer you. Please partake of their goodness.
Introducing TeachNow Fall Offerings
Walk into the incredible woolly world of author and textile expert Deborah Robson. She teaches across the U.S. & Canada on the use of rare-breed wools (starting with either fleece or yarn); on publishing opportunities for fiber artists, and all kinds of fun wool stuff. Even if you never met a sheep you liked, check out her world – it is fascinating!
Grace Quantock is a wellness provocateur, writer, teacher and social entrepreneur – and a total inspiration. Her Sick Chick to Trail Blazer: Reclaiming Your World is a how-to guide to a strong and sensational life with chronic illness. Learn how to cope when the doctors say no cure, shift to action and empowerment and live well, in full colour now. Just visiting her site makes you feel stronger. Go Grace!
Gail Brenner, Ph.D. is a psychologist, luminous soul, and powerfully good writer who writes at A Flourishing Life. Her mission is to untangle self-defeating habits and help you live a conscious life of authenticity, fulfillment, and joy. I say yes ma’am to that! Gail is offering a course in January 2012 on “Moving Through Fear with Grace.” Really Gail, I can do that? I’m so in! You need to sign up for Gail’s list and then you’ll get a notice about the class!
Deb Reynolds teaches her particular blend of clown styles in theatre, community, corporate and social settings. Deb says, “Clown opens the connection to our heart as we playfully explore stepping into our fears, letting go of “shoulds” and finding freedom in new ways of being in the world.” Sweet! Learn about her next “clown” (don’t you love using clown as a verb?) class – and get your heart opened through fun and your self-care through play here. I say yes yes yes!
I admit to dreading the holidays (shhh… don’t tell my daughter, she loves them). If I could, I’d be at Ania Grandbois’s dance workshop Thanksgiving weekend. Ania says, “I’m devising a way to spend time restoring my heart & body and feeling authentic gratitude during the holidays and invite others who might also get frazzled around the holidays to join me for some restorative time and will include dance, play, and quiet time.” What better way to spend your holiday time then gently connecting with your innate well-being? Check it out here.
Now this is a much needed class I wish I could have taken: Maybe Baby: Be at Peace With Your Truth. Randi Buckley is the best kept secret in coaching – but not for long. She’s created Maybe Baby for women ambivalent about motherhood but who hear the whisper of ‘maybe’ in their hearts. A compassionate coaching journey with personal discovery and a community of support, we go for clarity, find the deeper truth and make peace with it, whatever it may be. Click here to learn more or forward this to someone who needs this class.
Being a total non-techie, I too often doesn’t do projects because I can’t find an easy solution. Which means I’m double delighted to share Ruzuku with from Abe Crystal. It’s a fantastic teaching platform for total non-techies. Melani Ward said, “I love how easy it is to use, and how interactive and organized the entire platform is. I completely re-written a few of my courses for the Ruzuku platform. They flow better, the learners get more out of them and the interactive piece allows me to constantly retool and improve on the fly.” Right on! How about some ridiculously easy course creation? Click here.
Rachel Bagby was on the road teaching so we didn’t get to interact with her as much as we would have liked and she is someone whose music played an important part in my life so I had to squeeze her in here! Rachel is vocal artist, composer, teacher, activist and shining light. Please sample her startling beautiful music and her teaching here. She does a free call every month!
Ann McMahon guides women through the adventures of pregnancy & motherhood here. Where were you when I was going through that journey? Ann’s first class is coming soon!
What can I say in closing but aren’t Michele and I lucky we get to support people like this? Please enjoy the bounty and support these wonderful teachers.