by jlouden | Nov 12, 2014 | Favorites, Retreats
Sometimes I wonder why I write this blog, why I lead writing retreats, why I’m spending time every day writing my new project. I regularly wonder, “Why are you doing this when the world is dying?!” (By dying I mean climate change.) “People are starving. Girls are...
by jlouden | Sep 30, 2014 | Creativity, Self-Care & Comfort
It was a big month for me. Deep digging in and repeatedly letting go. Leaning into the discomfort of where I leave myself by being scattered and pushing to get things “done.” Being with my restlessness to create, to lead, to contribute more and my very human...
by jlouden | Sep 28, 2014 | Creativity, Self-Care & Comfort
1. You forget you are an animal. We tend to think we are giant heads on sticks and that we can think our way into the future we desire. So not happening. For just one example, daily stress shuts down your will power and suddenly it’s just too scary to join the dating...
by jlouden | Sep 25, 2014 | Creativity, Self-Care & Comfort
It’s not dramatic. It never looks like a montage in a Hollywood movie where the house gets remodeled, the book written, the life regained after the unwanted divorce, so quickly, so easily, all set to a tune of heart-stirring music. It rarely feels glamorous or...
by jlouden | Sep 23, 2014 | Creativity, Self-Care & Comfort
I adore stories with magic and fantasy elements because they remind me our lives are epic journeys, and we work to create what is good and true for ourselves. I love the reminder to rout the dragons that hoard our treasure and to not be led astray by false gods that...