It was a big month for me. Deep digging in and repeatedly letting go. Leaning into the discomfort of where I leave myself by being scattered and pushing to get things “done.” Being with my restlessness to create, to lead, to contribute more and my very human limitations. I’m working my oldest patterns. It’s sweaty, flinty work and I’m proud of myself. Because it’s this inner and outer work that allows my truer life – the one we are always being called to live – to emerge.
I used to believe if I could just find the secret, I could be free of all that pained me about myself. And oh the life I would lead!
I now understand, and mostly cherish, that as humans, our kinks and dents are our way home. Working with them is how you and I live our authentic lives. Not running from, not hating on, not wishing we were different, and not collapsing into, not letting our patterns shape and dictate our choices.
It feels so obvious yet so radically important. Relaxing into who we are, staying in action on what we care about, surrendering the outcome. Simple to say, so very challenging to live.
Hope things are wonderful in your world and you are growing, too!
The doors close tomorrow at 11am Pacific. I won’t teach this course again for one year.
I’ve written three “case studies” about results women got from the last round.
5 often overlooked ways to get unstuck
What Choosing Your Truer Life Really Looks Like
The Magic Ingredient for Living Your Truer Life
Here’s what Stephanie said:
“I am a software engineer, wife, and mom of 2 who has been searching for most of my adult life for something that I could not identify. I love my family, have a job that by most standards is a very good job, and live comfortably. But something was missing. I took classes, personality and aptitude tests, and read a lot of books. Despite all the skills and knowledge I accumulated, I still felt an emptiness that I could not explain. I found Jen’s class through an odd sequence of lucky events and decided to enroll – even though I admitted to myself and my husband that I did not understand what I’d gain from the class.
I can tell you it’s the best time and money I’ve spent. Skills I gained include the ability to say, “No.” with grace and confidence, a strategy for planning my day instead of reacting to what everyone else needs from me, an appreciation for the fact that I am enough, and the awareness to be truly satisfied when I meet my goals for the day. Best of all is that the lessons from Jen’s class are all completely customizable to fit me and my life.
What I learned has given me time to work on things that are important to me. One example is an annual scrapbooking weekend that I’ve attended for years. In the past, I simply grabbed supplies, a stack of photos, and my laptop the morning I was headed to the event. This year, my supplies are organized and I have photos, paper, and embellishments ready to go – 3 weeks in advance! I’m 15 pounds lighter. I’m emotionally lighter as well. I laugh more and I’m better connected with my family and friends. I’m living my truer life each and every day. For this, I am eternally grateful to Jen.”
Don’t forget, there’s a 3-pay option this time around just because.
Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant by Roz Chast
Graphic memoir about caring for her aging parents. Made me feel less alone.
The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen
Solid fantasy with fantastic driving action, excellent lead female character, and tantalizing glimpses of a different world.
Willful Blindness by Margaret Heffernan
Research for the Life Navigation course and my new book. She explores the questions, “What makes us prefer ignorance? What are we so afraid of? Why do some people see more than others? And how can we change?” Halfway through and making copious notes.
Last Tango in Halifax, Second Season
Honestly, the story line gets a bit hard to believe yet we still enjoyed it. Good after a long day.
I am on the fence, leaning toward not liking this series because I dislike how Claire is being played – strong one moment, ditzy and flirtatious the next. But there is Jamie to look at… oh and the scenery.
The Politician’s Husband
Dirty political fun English style. Mini-series. Racy. Loved it.
“Every man [sic] has the vocation to be someone: but he must understand clearly that in order to fulfill his vocation he can only be one person: himself.” – Thomas Merton