Three weeks ago I made a bold decision: to create a program based on my body of work, a “greatest hits” of what I’ve been teaching and living for 21+ years.
You see, my publisher, New World Library, is just releasing my book, The Life Organizer, in paperback. Revisiting that book made me proud.
It also made me ask myself: what else have I learned that truly addresses the challenges of living a life that’s yours? (vs. the life you think you should live, or the life you keep drifting into, or the life that you outgrew long ago.)
I have long been called to help myself and others engage with that lifelong question to discover how to best live your own life. How to listen to what calls you. How to stay awake when you only want to be lulled to sleep. How to find your way home to your truth. To take action on your dreams. To be sane and intentional in daily life. To see and even change your limiting stories. To practice truly nourishing self-care.
All in service to living your life. Your own true life.
I’m scared as I write this. Not because I can’t deliver this program – I believe it’s going to be some of the best work I’ve ever offered – but because I’m afraid I can’t describe it clearly enough to you. I’m afraid I can’t do justice to what I know will happen within the alchemy of this program.
But as I write that, I realize what matters far, far more to me than writing an effective sales page is being a dedicated, passionate teacher. Let me always remember that!
Please give the program page a read. See what you think. And if you have any questions, ask me.
With love and gratitude for being connected,
P.S. I know the last thing you need is another self-improvement program. What I’m offering has nothing to do with improving or changing yourself, and everything to do with becoming even more yourself. That’s what I believe we are each here to do.
Trust the shape of your soul. Listen to what calls you.
Act on that with courage and care.
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To help us get started, we’re kicking off the course with a free sampler class on one of my favorite topics: shadow comforts and time monsters. You can sign up for the free class here — and to make it an even more special bonus, you’ll have a chance to win a scholarship for the 10-week journey. Please join us.