Savor & Serve November Love Lights

Dec 1, 2013

November has been a month of recognizing and inviting spaciousness.

Case in point: I noticed that November in the Pacific NW always slows me down and I always seem to have a very full schedule. A light bulb moment came when I realized it isn’t the change in the light (we get way less) that impacts me but my struggle against it, my insistence that I should be just as productive, just as focused, get up just as early.

Ah, ain’t that always where the exhaustion and blues creep in, get a toe hold, suck me into drama – through struggle. Pushing away, denying, wishing.

Thus I tear up in tender gratitude every time I remember to stop – where ever I am – and allow there to be room for whatever I am feeling, noticing, experiencing. The invitation to spaciousness is my dearest companion and greatest desire during these winter months – to allow myself to be in the field beyond right doing and wrong doing, noticing, saying yes, making space.

May we all meet and dance there together.

Blog Love Lights

My best blog posts should you care to read more.

There’s An App for That
The Life Organizer Sanity Support Kit went live! Thanks for all your support!

The Negativity See-Me
What to do when you want to connect or someone else does, and the only way seems to be through negativity?

How Do You Know When Something is Too Hard?
This month’s favorite post.

Distraction or Desiring?
Thoughts on how to put your dreams first, some of the time.

What I’m Reading and Watching

I’m one of those highly sensitive TV/movie watchers who has to cover her eyes at anything violent. So consider my surprise that the BBC series Luther is current favorite. It is super gruesome in many episodes and Bob spends at least 5 minutes of every episode saying, “Do not look. Not yet. Do not look! Stop peeking!”  The main character played by Idris Elba is completely fascinating (and hot). So watch if you can stand some gore.

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries
An Australian flippant Agatha Christie like series – much more my style in terms of gore aka none – with good production values and inventive plot lines.

Wild Life by Molly Gloss
I resisted reading this for years, and I’m glad I finally did. It’s compelling, haunting, mythic and realistic at the same time. It gives you a transmission of wildness.

Still Writing by Dani Shapiro
Half memoir, half instructional manual, this is a tender and lovely book from an amazing writer. Dani’s interview in Shero’s School  was one of my favorites.


May this month of holiday glitter and connection shine bright and true for you, and may we each remember to reach out to those who may feel lost, including ourselves, and make room for it all. When we do that, miracles happen.

Big love and great gratitude,


Jettison Self-Doubt and Lose the Itty-Bitty-Shitty Committee and Make Your Thing Now

From the national best-selling author of The Woman’s Comfort Book and Why Bother.

Made for writers, artists, mail art makers, knitters of sock puppets, creative entrepreneurs, photographers, Tarot readers, and anybody who needs to make stuff they love.

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