by jlouden | Mar 18, 2011 | Favorites
Everything in my life is conspiring to teach me to savor & serve. I wonder if that is true for you, too? From the messages on the Yogi tea tags to every book I pick up to the interviews I did yesterday for Teach Now with Michael Jones, Brian Andreas and Lee-Ann...
by jlouden | Mar 8, 2011 | Favorites
Meditating this morning I flashed on my upcoming Kripalu retreat Stepping into your S-hero’s Journey and how I want to start planning it… I started to wonder: How will I help women step into their power, their savoring, their serving? (It’s the first...
by jlouden | Nov 2, 2010 | Creativity, Self-Care & Comfort
Here is how it seems to me this morning: Life is here, offering itself to you. Are you going to take it up on its offer? I am. I will forget I said that in just a moment, because fear will kidnap my heart and ride away with my desires. Until I remember again. I do so...