by jlouden | Jan 14, 2015 | Blog
I spent the weekend feeling sad, worn out, and wanting to give up. What?!? “But Jen,” you might say, “You just launched a new offer that is filling up faster than anything you have ever offered – besides Taos – and that you feel so aligned with and...
by jlouden | Jan 9, 2015 | Creativity, Self-Care & Comfort
I have a new website, a new look, and a new vision. Wait: not a new vision. A clarified one. Because that’s what we all get to do – I’d even venture to say we must do – in this life. Clarify – what calls us, what we stand for, what we...
by jlouden | Dec 1, 2014 | Creativity, Self-Care & Comfort, Favorites
I am writing this on a small plane, flying back from Santa Barbara to my home. I spent last week visiting a former life peopled with current friends. Isn’t it funny how the longer you live, the more it feels like you’ve lived several lifetimes? I lived one of my...
by jlouden | Nov 1, 2014 | Creativity, Self-Care & Comfort
Last night 500 kids (we had less this year) showed up at our house: a dozen varieties of various Disney princesses, a peck of pirates, a mob of zombies, a few headless football players, and one large box of popcorn. Our little neighborhood is one of the few on our...
by jlouden | Sep 30, 2014 | Creativity, Self-Care & Comfort
It was a big month for me. Deep digging in and repeatedly letting go. Leaning into the discomfort of where I leave myself by being scattered and pushing to get things “done.” Being with my restlessness to create, to lead, to contribute more and my very human...