
The Easiest Way to Increase Your Creative Flow

The Easiest Way to Increase Your Creative Flow

Very few creatives are naturally excited about organizing their work space and work product. We are more the types that trust things will work out like this… BUT WHEN OUR LACK OF SYSTEMS DOESN’T WORK OUT, then what do you do? You can start not creating,...

How To Start A Creative Project That You’ll Always Want To Finish

How To Start A Creative Project That You’ll Always Want To Finish

Do you get an idea for a non-fiction book or a novel or an online course or a series of paintings and jump right in and start working? Me too! But you know what? I’m trying to stop zooming into action. I can’t change the fact I love to start quickly but I can put...

How To Have Your Most Productive Creative Life

How To Have Your Most Productive Creative Life

How to have your most productive creative or writing life 1. Forget productivity It’s a very misleading goal when it comes to writing and creating. For example, if you only focus on how many words you write each day and not on who you are writing to, what your point...

I’ve got something delicious for you!

I’ve got something delicious for you!

Even as the world is so dire and sorrowful, I’ve been brimming with bountiful gladness, which I am savoring because that’s what a smart person does. I’m glad for Bob’s lopsided gorgeous grin, for the steady courage of my daughter’s heart, for my bonus son’s delight...

Love Your Writing Into Being This Spring and Summer

Love Your Writing Into Being This Spring and Summer

I’ve been leading retreats including writing retreats for nearly 30 years. I even wrote a book about how to create your own retreats, The Woman’s Retreat Book--in fact, that was the book that got me on Oprah.😏 Why do I believe in retreats so much? Because the shape of...

Best book and TV shows I’ve imbibed lately

Best book and TV shows I’ve imbibed lately

I promised you another fantabulous resource round-up post -- this time it’s books and TV shows I've loved recently. Hopefully something new to feed your brain. (Amazon links are offered for ease of research as well as Bookshop.) BOOKS Deborah Levy’s Real Estate...

Things That Make My Life Easier Or Help Me Make More Money

Things That Make My Life Easier Or Help Me Make More Money

I haven’t done a resource roundup in forever so here you go. The theme of this round up are products and apps and newsletters that make my life easier or my business better. Next week: books and TV shows I’ve been loving. Tell me which ones you end up using that work...

How to Get the Patriarchy out of your Head so you Can Write & Create

How to Get the Patriarchy out of your Head so you Can Write & Create

When a creative woman sits down to make her work, she may be distracted by a low internal rumble, like an old fridge on the fritz, that sputters, "You don't know enough.Go do more research.Get another degree.Ask someone for their opinion.Only then you can write or...

What I Learned From Talking to Sue Monk Kidd

What I Learned From Talking to Sue Monk Kidd

In August of 2020, Jill Daniels of Happy Women Dinners asked me to moderate an online book club with Sue Monk Kidd exploring her novel The Book of Longings. I calmly said yes while jumping around my studio like my puppy Willa. Because like millions of readers, I love...

How to live through negative feedback without spontaneously combusting

How to live through negative feedback without spontaneously combusting

I did a stupid thing the other day - god knows what possessed me. I mean, I know what Seth Godin says in The Practice is the truth: “Most criticism shared in the internet age is useless, or worse, harmful. It’s useless because it often personalizes the criticism to be...

Balancing Intention with Mystery (Creative Sunbeam #5)

Balancing Intention with Mystery (Creative Sunbeam #5)

This is our last Creative Sunbeam. The previous Creative Sunbeams live here. I love writing prompts, writing meditations, creating immersive online retreats, and using all kinds of techniques to get my writing student’s creativity flowing. And I’ve also seen how...

You are Never Stuck (Creative Sunbeam #4)

You are Never Stuck (Creative Sunbeam #4)

This is day 4 of a 5-day series. The rest of the Creative Sunbeams are here. Could it be true, lovely person, that you are never stuck in your writing? I found myself saying that last year to my Write Now group and I had to pause and ask myself if that was just me...

Love not “ew” (Creative Sunbeam #3)

Love not “ew” (Creative Sunbeam #3)

This is day 3 of a 5-day series. The rest of the Creative Sunbeams are here. CREATIVE SUNBEAM #3 When you find yourself thinking this while writing Great! But I bet you don’t. Mostly we are cruel to ourselves when we create, expecting whatever comes out to be better...

Does Writing Truly Have to Be So Hard? (Creative Sunbeam #2)

Does Writing Truly Have to Be So Hard? (Creative Sunbeam #2)

This is day 2 of a 5-day series on how to delight in your writing. Creative Sunbeam #1 is here. CREATIVE SUNBEAM #2 When you find yourself thinking this while writing Try this instead: Set positive expectations for your next writing session. When you do so, your...

Please Delight in Writing (Creative Sunbeam #1)

Please Delight in Writing (Creative Sunbeam #1)

Brava / Bravo for being alive - another day is yours to savor. I know the world may feel dim and troubled and yet your creative life can still glow with delight and attention. In fact, it’s never more important than when the world is troubled to tend your own creative...

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