This is day 2 of a 5-day series on how to delight in your writing. Creative Sunbeam #1 is here.
When you find yourself thinking this while writing
Try this instead:
Set positive expectations for your next writing session. When you do so, your physiology changes to make it easier for your brain to be creatively curious and comfortable with uncertainty.
Your brain makes it easier for you to write when you believe writing can be easier.
Your positive beliefs redirect your attention, helping you to focus on taking forward action rather than ruminating about what might go wrong, worrying about questions of talent, outcome, or people’s responses.
What positive beliefs can you have for yourself when it comes to writing?
Not pie-in-the-sky affirmations, as those can demotivate you and not fantasies about perfect outcomes, but instead positive beliefs that support the truth: you have an unlimited ability to learn, to explore, to improve as a writer.
You never know what you are capable of.
A few examples of positive realistic beliefs:
It’s fascinating to write. I love the process.
My creativity is a muscle I love to exercise.
I am willing to let go of expectations for myself as a writer.
I have enough time for writing something.
There is so much I’m capable of creating. I really have no idea of what I can do.
I make it safe to create. No one can take that from me.
What’s important to me matters. My time is mine to dedicate to what gives me joy.
I can learn how to write what I want to write by reverse engineering. (We will do this in Write Now!)
I am brave enough to express myself honestly. The page is a safe space.
No one is allowed to silence me.
Every creative action counts. I am always learning.
I’m in charge of my efforts and my actions.
Outcomes are beside the point; showing up steadily for my stories and ideas and treating myself with kindness is what matters.
Choose one positive belief to try out today.
Ask yourself if you can believe it. Could it be true?
Notice what happens if you write it out when you start to doubt yourself.