Why Bother?

Meditations, Journaling Prompts, and More to help you Get Your Bother On

All of the extras listed in my book Why Bother? are listed below, by chapter title and in the order as shown in the book.

Use what you need, leave the rest, and above all, trust yourself.

Self-forgiveness journaling prompts to explore:


Download the PDF


Minimum requirements for self-care:

Download the Video

Journal prompts and examples of Minimum requirements for Self-care:

Download the PDF

Feeling not good enough? Enjoy this audio for ideas.

Download the Audio



Self-trust Video:

Download the Video

Self- trust guided meditation:

Download the meditation audio


Self Trust PDF:

Download the PDF


Here’s your list of books, movies, and TV shows about people settling down, listening to themselves and what is calling them.

This is far from a complete list. It’s some favorite books (fiction and nonfiction) and movies of mine and my readers. I offer it not as a canon of any kind but as a few suggestions to feed your inner life. If you have books you’d like to see on the list, please email jen@jenniferlouden.com with BOOK REC in the subject line.


Movies & TV Shows about Desire

Want another book & movie list (who doesn’t?!), this one about people listening to their desires? I want to entice you to join my email list because I can send you good stuff most every week so enter your email and we will pop another great book and movie list right over to you!


An audio to help you figure out and working with your substitute desires:


Journaling prompts to liberate and clarify your desires & soften substitute desires:


A guided meditation to meet desire:


Additional resources to relax your body to help you feel desire:




Download a template and an audio guide on more ways to use COEs:

Download the Audio
Download the COE Cheat Sheet
Download the COE Worksheet

Visit Spotify for a Why Bother embodiment playlist:

Download the Audio

Mindset Resources:

Download the PDF


The Weekly Oasis Mini Sessions

Sample four mini-Oasis sessions to help you feel seen and nurtured.

See below for my Why Bother? Guided Journal Extras

Use what you need, leave the rest, and above all, trust yourself.

Get Your Bother on playlist lives here:


Spotify Playlist 



Click below to download your printable reminders

Download Here



Download the Video

Self- trust guided meditation:

Download the meditation Audio


Self Trust PDF:

Download the PDF



Here’s your list of books, movies, and TV shows about people settling down, listening to themselves and what is calling them.

This is far from a complete list. It’s some favorite books (fiction and nonfiction) and movies of mine and my readers. I offer it not as a canon of any kind but as a few suggestions to feed your inner life. If you have books you’d like to see on the list, please email jen@jenniferlouden.com with BOOK REC in the subject line.


Movies & TV Shows about Desire

Want another book & movie list (who doesn’t?!), this one about people listening to their desires? I want to entice you to join my email list because I can send you good stuff most every week so enter your email and we will pop another great book and movie list right over to you!


An audio to help you figure out and working with your substitute desires:


Journaling prompts to liberate and clarify your desires & soften substitute desires:


A guided meditation to meet desire:


Additional resources to relax your body to help you feel desire:





Download a template and an audio guide on more ways to use COEs:

Download the Audio
Download the COE Cheat Sheet
Download the COE Worksheet

Visit Spotify for a Why Bother embodiment playlist:

Download the Audio

Mindset Resources:

Download the PDF

The Weekly Oasis Mini Sessions

Sample four mini-Oasis sessions to help you feel seen and nurtured.

I’d love to gift you the e-book with a gentle request: please write and share your own “why bother?” story.

Everything you need to do so is inside the e-book. You’ll read the stories I found so inspiring and then use the very same questions to write yours.

Then share your brief story using the hashtags provided in the book.
Or if you prefer to share the e-book with anyone you feel could use help getting their bother on.

My goal is to help a million people get their bother on!

If you share your story using the hashtags, every month we will choose someone randomly to win a free month at the weekly Oasis, where we help people get their bother on week after week.

You can download the PDF and share the file directly or use this link: https://bit.ly/bother-stories

Want to gift someone Why Bother? Great!