Nonfiction Writing and Marketing Wiz
Get genius help with your book – to write it, publish it, and market it
with national best selling author and creative entrepreneur Jennifer Louden
You’re a creative, writer, leader, or business owner with an idea of a book.
Or a thousand pages of it floating around.
Or somewhere in between.
But you are a teeny bit confused about exactly how to move forward or you know how but the work just isn’t happening. You aren’t getting it done by yourself.
My supercalifragilisticexpialidocious specialty is excavating what you truly want to write, what your big idea truly is, and finding the hook and structure so your just-right people grab your book just like people grab original glazed donuts when Krispy Kreme turns on the HOT NOW sign.
(But doesn’t it bug you they spell crispy and creme with a K? I’m not sure you can trust a company that can’t spell its own name. And don’t get me started on the gas station chain Kum & Go.)
There are 3 ways to work with me:
Start your Book, Find your Hook
Most nonfiction books don’t work, don’t sell, or never get finished because they lack the 5 foundational elements of a remarkable book.
This 3-day intensive will lead you through a step-by-step process to give you the foundation and the plan you need to write your remarkable book.
After you’ve nailed your foundation, some people can go write their book or their book proposal on their own or hire a developmental editor once they have a solid draft. Other people do much better and work much faster when they have accountability, coaching, and editorial help to stay on track with their Big Idea and work through stuck places that inevitably come up with every book.
If that might be you, see if there’s room in Finish Your Book, Find your Reader — coaching support that includes one-on-one sessions, developmental editing, my best writing resources, daily silent writing times, quarterly writing sprints, and a phenomenal monthly group marketing and platform-building call so you can start marketing your book while you’re writing it.
Clarity Session
Everybody needs an outside mind to consult with from time to time. That’s what a clarity session gives you – my brain for 60 minutes on your book, your marketing plan, your business or a combo of all of the above.
This is the only way to coach with me outside of Finish Your Book and the only way to do straight biz coaching with me.
I’ve done a lot of things in my 30 years in biz – you can see some of them here – and I draw on my successes and failures to help you get where you want to go.
A Clarity Session includes:
- ZA detailed questionnaire that will bring you more clarity just by filling it ou
- Z 1 private, 60-minute coaching session with me
- ZAny follow-up resources I mention in the call sent via email within 48 hours.
- ZAny follow-up resources I mention in the call sent via email within 48 hours.
- ZA recording of our session with a rough transcript.
limited slots available
Not writing a book but wanting to work with Jen?
Answer these quick questions and I’ll tell you how I can help or refer you to someone else!
Click me

“What I love about Jennifer Louden is her ability to show who she really is. There is no facade with this woman! She shares her challenges, her successes, her struggles, her sad moments, and her triumphs. I love her honest way of saying some days will feel shitty and you are still gifted and awesome!
Everything she knows as a professional working writer living from her creative genius she shares. If she does not know something that you as a woman in the circle desires to know she will research it for you.
I love Jennifer Louden and I am overjoyed that people like her exist. Bold, funny, creative, and supportive…that is who she is. She also cares about the environment, and diversity and puts her money and energy where her beliefs are. She is the type of person you want on your success team. On my writing table, I keep a postcard she sent me. “Your words, your ideas, your stories, matter. I see your talent and spirit and love supporting you and I believe in you!!!” These are the words from a woman who has the heart to support you towards your life dreams and beyond.”
– Dr. Kellie Kirksey
Creative Wellness Solutions LLC
“My Blast of Jen session was exactly that–an outpouring of creative energy, inspiring advice, and honest insight from a fellow author and entrepreneur. I laughed, I cried, and I finished our session with a sense of possibility and loads of ideas to put into action when the time was right.”
– Meredith Wild
#1 New York Times bestselling author of the Hacker Series

“Before working with Jen, I really struggled to get high-level business advice I could trust. Most business coaches understand very little about retreat businesses. And many retreat business coaches are focused on beginners.
I needed support from someone who has both experience and expertise—and Jen has tons of both. She easily spotted where I was going wrong, and suggested doable strategies that I could quickly implement given where my business is right now. She also pointed out all the things I’m doing right, which I wouldn’t have recognized if it weren’t for her.
Most surprising to me was how incredibly generous and supportive she was. I finished our session with new strategies and a new sense of confidence in myself and my business—which any business owner knows is half the battle. I waited a long time before reaching out to her, and that was a mistake. If you want supportive, savvy coaching that will clarify both where you are and where you should go next, you should work with Jen. Right now.”
– Michelle Boyd, PhD
Inkwell Academic Writing Retreats
“You probably know Jen as a brilliant writer whose books have been on bestseller lists and have taken her from Oprah’s stage to her more recent work supporting writers from around the globe.
What you may not know is that she has had an equally long and illustrious career as an entrepreneur who has built her success around her values of inclusiveness, diversity, social activism, radical truth, and practical creativity.
Jen has the clarity and wisdom derived from years of experience. She has guided her own business and those of her clients through shifting tides, all the while remaining true to the vision and values that are woven into every aspect of her work and life.
Work with her; you and your business will be so glad you did.”
– Hiro Boga
Mentor and guide for creative visionaries and entrepreneurs

“I’ve worked with many coaches over my 10+ years in business, and no one is able to blend the practical with the inner work as beautifully and effectively as Jen Louden. She is not only a wise and compassionate mentor, she is also an accomplished entrepreneur with a wealth of experience. Through insightful and gentle questioning, she continuously helps me uncover how to be more authentically me in every area of my life. I’m so thankful to have her as I navigate the ever-changing landscape of business.”
– Lain Ehmann
Best-selling author, copywriter and online business strategist,
radio show host
“I never dreamed my book, The Power of Natural Mentoring: Shaping the Future for Women and Girls, would be released in the middle of a pandemic.
The book is a central element in an evolving purpose and passion project for me. Women and girls urgently need each other’s support on the journey to becoming our best authentic selves. The project began as a program of live workshops for pairs of women and the younger women or girls in their lives. It became clear during COVID we need each other now more than ever.
I decided to pivot and create virtual courses that would accompany the book. At that point, I sought Jen Louden’s strategic coaching. Her openness, casual warmth, and quick understanding during the productive call led to breakthrough thinking for me. I’d been grappling with a chicken-and-egg question, unsure where to begin. Do I develop a corporate or a youth natural mentoring course first?
Because continuous learning is vital in corporate leadership today, there is great value for both the natural mentor in learning new skills as well as for the younger colleague she mentors who benefits from her mentor’s role modeling during her own emerging leadership development.
The aha! moment for me came directly from Jen. She articulated the corporate perspective around natural mentoring as a “double solution for retention of the leader and engagement for the newer, emerging leader.” Listening to Jen phrase it that way bolstered my confidence in moving forward. I decided to begin with corporate natural mentoring course development, followed by youth natural mentoring course development.”
– Christine Wagner
Author, The Power of Natural Mentoring

“Jen has given me the gift of being able to call myself a writer. Participating in Non-Fiction Writer’s Mastermind, I have expanded my concept of what is possible in my writing/as a writer. Beyond finding my writing voice, I am finding what works uniquely for me in my writing practice: the best way to get the work done and keep going, with reasonable and compassionate goals. The group format is amazing! It is a safe and sound place to share and be heard, as well as find inspiration. That doesn’t happen magically. Jen creates this space with her caring heart, unparalleled wisdom, expert coaching, and infectious humor. It is an incredible honor to learn from her.”
– Sibel Golden
Psychotherapist & Expressive Arts Therapist
“Jen Louden is a magician, or maybe a witch, I’m not sure. But if she is, she’s a very good witch. After attending one of her Vermont retreats, I decided to plunge into the Mastermind to help me hold myself accountable for finishing my third book which had been languishing for several months. All of the elements of the Mastermind were exactly what I needed to develop my narrative and write a story I was proud of in the time frame I had set for myself. Between the group reviews, and the one-on-ones with Jen (who by the way, is the most fascinating, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic writing coach I have ever had the pleasure to know), I faced down my fears about failing and learned places I didn’t even know needed more dialogue, less dialogue, story structure, and so much more. I definitely feel like I got a Master’s degree in book writing from the Mastermind and would certainly recommend it to anyone who is in the throes of writing, at any point in your project, who needs a group of knowledgeable cheerleaders and a team captain who is just profoundly good at what she does.
– Tracy Beckerman
Syndicated Columnist, Author & Speaker |

“I booked the Blast of Jen session at a time when two writing projects I’d been working on were coming to a close, and I had been approached with an opportunity that I wasn’t sure about pursuing. This opportunity is one that I wanted so badly to be excited about, but that I was hesitant to give myself permission to go there. Sort of an “it’s too good to be true” moment.
At the end of the session with Jen, I felt so much clearer. I was – and still am – excited about the opportunity. I have a list of questions to explore to help me decide if this opportunity is right for me. And even more than that, I recognize that this isn’t just about the opportunity itself, this is about being at a point where I’m curious about growing and changing. What’s different now is that I see that excitement and nervous energy for what it is: a desire to try something new and Jen helped me recognize that it’s safe to follow that desire.
Now, I’m looking forward to continuing to research my big opportunity. I’m open to the possibility that this might grow into something amazing that changes the way I work in the world. Or, that this might not be the right change, but that I’m open to change. The session helped me ease into this space in the middle, between being given an opportunity and deciding whether or not to take it, making it more comfortable here while I gather more information and explore if this change might be the right one for me.
– Sara Marchessault
Professor, writer, entrepreneur
“Eight hours of coaching from Jen Louden gave me the mindset I needed to more than double my business and my income. Her expansive vision and infectious belief that I deserved more than I had shed new light on all the ways I was thinking small. Then cracks began to form in those beliefs, and they fell to the ground.
She guided me away from all the SHOULDS — I’m qualified to teach this, I should teach that — and a couple of steps later I’m teaching exactly what I want to teach, and having a great time doing it.”
– Lisa Jones
Author of Broken: A Love Story, writing teacher,