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Out of The Snarl and Into The Joy
The tender new-green freshness of spring continues here in Northern Colorado because we’ve had so much rain. I don’t want to go inside, it’s so fragrant. Poppies and peonies and lilacs galore. I’ve obsessively planted my pots and window boxes (or rather porch boxes)...
Where are you putting your attention?
The catkins are sprouting on the cottonwoods and the days are getting longer here in Northern Colorado. It’s been windy and dry which is scary - we had a fire warning yesterday - and at the same time, I feel spring energy crackling around me and it makes me want to...
How to Figure out What to Do Next
Do you ever sit down to do your creative work or biz stuff or just life stuff and freeze? Where to start? At the first item on your list or somewhere else? What’s most important? No, that’s too scary to start with. Pick something easier like answer that email… Oh...