Create out loud
with Jennifer Louden
Show Notes
This episode is all about how seeking wonder can help you bother again and embracing the natural fallow period after you finish a big project.
I’m joined by Andrea Scher, author of Wonder Seeker: 52 Ways to Wake up Your Creativity and Find Your Joy, to talk about how to fill up your creative well when its run dry..
We talk about the power of mixing up your routines to try something new – going for a walk and finding a new plant, taking pictures, going to a new restaurant – as a way of sparking creativity and finding desire.
Our brains react in fear to trying new things, to hanging out in the liminal space of venturing into the unknown, but it’s when we put ourselves in those spaces that we grow.
We also talk about how the pressure to monetize our creativity keeps us stuck not creating. Instead, what would it look like if you created without the expectation of making money, or “being creative”, or even getting better at what you create? What would it look like if you created for creativity’s sake?
Listen to the episode to learn:
- How to seek wonder in your everyday life
- How to find ambition and creativity as you age
- Why just being there in life is enough
- How to bother when it seems like your life is falling apart
- What Andrea and I’s superpowers are
Check out these resources:
- Andrea’s podcast The Creative Superheroes, and look for me in a recent episode!
- Andrea’s book Wonder Seeker: 52 Ways to Wake up Your Creativity and Find Your Joy
- Unbound by Kasia Urbaniak
Visit to get instant access to a collection of audios that will
- help you with some of the most common struggles we creatives have to manage including fear of choosing,
- falling into compare and despair, managing the inner critic (s),
- and feeling too exposed and vulnerable when you put yourself or your work into the world.
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