Can you feel it? Can you? Please tell me you can because I am feeling it to vastly, so insistently, I can barely sleep.
Some days I don’t know what to do with all the energy bubbling up through me, so I go outside and howl with the coyotes.
Tell me you feel it. Then we can clasp hands and compare notes, whispering in breath-full excitement at how hope-infused action is spreading so far and full.
It. How do we talk about it without sounding hopelessly naïve, without wearing our hearts on our sleeves, without exhausting ourselves before we even start?
Do we even dare name it?
Then I wonder: do we even need to?
What if we squint at it out of the corner of our eye and whisper,
I see you. I serve you. You are hope and justice and community and sustainability and beauty and freedom for all. I see you. I know history has not been kind to you, oh I know. I know the big old corporations and governments of the world have broken your heart again and again, I know. I’m declare: I see you and this time will be different.”
People are rising up, change is bubbling forward, she-ro’s and hero’s are journeying forward – right now as you read this. Moving forward imperfectly. Often saying, “Who me? You’re counting on me?” but still, putting one foot in front of the other, picking one thing he or she cares about and taking action.
Are you with us?
You will need food for the journey and companions. I asked 47 women to respond to the question:
How are you stepping into your she-ro’s journey these days?
Here is what they said – compiled in a gorgeous and inspiring and freeee love-fest e-book! Essays, photographs, videos, poems, art – amazing voices to inspire your journey.
Your PDF love fest of how will download automatically.
Then please tell – how are YOU stepping into your She-ro’s Journey?