Write to Change the World Books

Jun 18, 2011

How do you write to change the world? It’s certainly a question I’m dancing with – how to fashion words about my experiences and insights that move you to love your life and love the world?

Here are the books that are helping me learn how to do that – I hope.   (Taos gals, if you can, read one or two of these books so we can discuss over enchiladas and tortilla soup on the flagstone porch or hiding in the library from the afternoon thunderstorms!)

Ensouling Language by Stephen Harrod Buhner

Elevates self-help and non-fiction writing to the level of art. Illuminates how to write honestly and other delicate subjects with detailed clarity. Delivers tough love and invites you to play a bigger game. Golden for anyone trying to write to teach, inform, pass on knowledge.

Write to Change the World by Mary Pipher

Her earlier book Reviving Ophelia changed my life, but I kept putting off reading this no matter how many times my friend Mary told me to. Why did I avoid this book? Fear of taking on the truth that I can write to change the world. Get thee to this book if you want to take up the mantle of service through writing.

Ron Carlson Writes a Story by Ron Carlson

The process of writing is fleeting and mysterious. Leave it to Ron Carlson to capture the thinking and feeling involved in writing a story. Like being inside a master writer’s head – weird and wonderful. Helps you see and trust your own process which is so so so vital to claiming your truth and trusting it. Thanks to Patti Digh for this one. Join us in September.

The Writer’s Portable Mentor: A Guide to Art, Craft, and the Writing Life by Priscilla Long

The best writing teacher I ever had. This is the fruit of her many years of teaching and writing. Priscilla teaches stuff nobody else does, like structure.  I teach from this book in Taos. Will make your writing more effective X 1000.

Story Catcher by Christina Baldwin

Christina is my mentor and friend. This book will change forever how you honor the power of story. Create a better story for a better world.

What’s your favorite writing book that helps you write to change the world? How did it help you? Do tell!


P.S. Just in case you missed it: Yesterday I had the privilege of being over at Tara Sophia Mohr’s place…having conversation about Savoring and Serving. She’s one of the amazing women who will be attending my Writer’s Retreat in Taos next month – writing to change the world. Be one of them. Join us.

Jettison Self-Doubt and Lose the Itty-Bitty-Shitty Committee and Make Your Thing Now

From the national best-selling author of The Woman’s Comfort Book and Why Bother.

Made for writers, artists, mail art makers, knitters of sock puppets, creative entrepreneurs, photographers, Tarot readers, and anybody who needs to make stuff they love.

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