What is the jeweled secret in plain sight that holds so much that you want?
See if these pictures give you a hint.
Saturday night dance party in my studio with wonderful kids
Sunday morning Bob eating breakfast
Monday me making art messes
Any time you need a dog nose kiss (that’s what’s between our noses, a foam dog nose).
Every day this week!
Can you feel what each of these images have in common? Perhaps it’s not so obvious to anybody but me – but that’s part of what makes this the jeweled secret in plain sight – it’s what makes you feel alive and connected, not anybody else!
The jeweled secret in plain sight is creative joy. It’s what gives my life shine and meaning (in addition to love), and it’s also the experience I deny myself most. I know with all my brains (the one in my gut, my heart and my head) that my deepest desire is to create for the sake of creating, to follow what is fun, interesting and life-making. I know it so deeply and still, I judge the experience of creative joy as silly. There is no time for it, I tell myself, not when carbon has hit 400ppm in the atmosphere, when people are dying making our clothes, when fracking is destroying entire states and sickening children.
Here is what I also know: without regular dips and rolls in pure, creative joy – regular as in daily – I dry up. I can’t stand to take in the state of the world, and I don’t have the energy to help.
So I am asking for your support in nourishing my creative joy — and yours. Would you go here, click on the image that says Creative Joy Workbook, and go to page 3? You will find a magic ticket link there which includes a chance to win freeeeeee tuition to the 2nd annual Creative Joy Retreat.
I’ll see you on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You’ll know what I mean when you read the invite inside the very beautiful and nourishing Creative Joy Workbook. Please join me in making a bit of time every day to feed our creative joy.