Jennifer Lee is a bright spirit, an artist, able to think strategically while being wildly creative. She’s the founder of Artizen Coaching, the bestselling author of The Right-Brain Business Plan, and the proud mama of the brand-new, super amazing Building Your Business the Right-Brain Way. What I love about Jennifer most is her calm integrity – she walks her talks. And her colorfulness, but of course!
In this 22-minute chat aimed at you if you want to start or build a business, especially if you’re a right brain creative, we talk about:
- The importance of having the initials J.L.
- A super helpful story of Jenn’s business disappointment and what she learned (hint: timing and building an audience)
- How Jenn made the leap to put on her first super innovative Right Brain Business Summit
- How to find support even if you can’t afford to hire anybody quite yet
- How to approach marketing your goods and services in a sustainable way
- What to do (and what not to do) if you have a million different interests
This interview is jam-packed with honest truth telling business advice + a good dose of silliness. Enjoy and do check out Jenn’s innovative mentoring program and her new book – it’s so good. I have earmarked it already.
Speaking of the book, share one thing you found valuable in the interview in the comments below by May 31st and we will randomly choose someone to win a copy of Jenn’s book. WEEE!
Listen in or download below: