The hardest thing for me about being self-employed is the aloneness.
I don’t mean being alone all day – my head is such an interesting place I don’t feel alone – but the aloneness of holding the whole kit and kaboodle by myself.
I have a great support team but in the end, it’s me who has to declare, “Make this, don’t make that, try this, don’t try that.”
Obviously after nearly THIRTY YEARS (wow!) of doing the writer-teacher-self-employed thing, I wouldn’t have it any other way. At least once a day I think, “Wow I love this so much.”
AND that doesn’t mean I have to work in a vacuum. None of us should!
That’s why I’m asking for your help today. I’ve designed a survey to know how to serve you best.
It will give me practical info like where to hold retreats but far more than that, it will help me feel connected to you, to your hopes and dreams and desires.
The survey is anonymous unless you decide at the end you want me to possibly contact you.
Thank you for so much for giving me 5 minutes of your time.