As you may have noticed, I’m offering Teach Now again, with my friend and co-creator Michele.
It’s one of the best things I’ve ever had a hand in creating.
I’ve been on fire writing guest posts about teaching and I thought you might enjoy one or two of these butter bits of goodness… can you tell I’m all written out?
Where I’ve been with lots of help from Michele
Over at NYT best-selling author Kris Carr’s place I talked Widening the Circle by Being a Wellness Ambassador – share your healthy lifestyle without alienating everyone and even teaching your peeps that kale is not a planet orbiting Uranus. (bad joke, sorry, couldn’t resist).
Michele and I did a powerful Q & A for Roseanne at her nourishing It’s All About Yoga. What I adore about these Q & A’s is that I always learn something. When Roseanne asked, “In your experience, what have you learned from your imperfections?” what I learned made me cry. In a good way.
Charlie Gilkey is a gentleman, and a scholar, plus he has the most wonderful wife ever. I was very flattered to be part of his blog series on Great Conversations. I did a video. I get very animated. Enjoy.
Does teaching and marketing have anything in common? Find out over at the famed Copyblogger. Smart comments on this one!
Next week you can read about Teaching and Under-Earning over at Molly Gordon’s and Upping your Vibe over at best-selling author Laura Roeder’s place.
Enjoy your weekend!
P.S. We’re doing the first class of Teach Now this coming Wednesday September 21st. It always gets rave reviews. And it’s free and a real class, not an extended sales pitch. We’d love to have you. Sign up here. And tell a friend!