Although it is not yet 10 am, I have:
enjoyed clean running water eight times and indoor plumbing twice
sipped tea from the Qimen County in Anhwei province in China
nibbled strawberries from the foothills of the Cascades
drank blue-green algae from Lake Tahoe
meditated thanks to the wisdom of an unbroken lineage more than 2500 years old
kissed my beloved five times
played with four dogs
gazed at black-green cedars against a blue-gray sky
inhaled the perfume of those cedars and their friends, the firs
read Nick Kristof on the miracle of change in Africa and John O’Donohue on poetry
talked to seventeen people on three continents about prayer, TED talks, and the oil spill
hung out with three teenagers, three grandparents and four dogs
plus about 10,000 other miracles I have already forgotten.
I walk around astonished most of the time for good reason, don’t you think?
What would be on your list?
What bounty have you savored this day?
What extravaganza of love is being laid out for you in this very moment?
Astonishing, isn’t it?