The first breath you draw in the New Year ushers in complete forgiveness for yourself: every mean thought you ever had about your talent, your body, your potential, dissolves. You are so light, you float off the bed.
The reason you were born, the thing the world aches for and can get only from you, is written across the sunrise in orange, pink and periwinkle. You read the message with a shiver of remembrance. Oh yes.
Good start to the year, yes?
I see you showered with spunk, powered by verve, on fire with desire. Stuck and stagnant, my friend, are junk in the trunk you drop off at Goodwill. Bye bye.
Here you are, shining the love light of the present moment on lurking fear monsters.You know, the ones who keep pouring concrete around your fleet feet. This year, you’ve been given a magic jackhammer. With two bam-bams, you are free.
Magic tools are on hand again when any clutter appears. Any and all clutter that threatens to anchor you to the past gets the old heave ho with your magic shovel (or forklift if needed). Now you have the clarity to make the changes you have so longed desired.
Speaking of desire, in 2012, healthy desire coaxes you away from perfectionism and fear, into the open field Rumi loved, where you are safe enough to name what you truly want, and brave enough to know that the exact getting of it matters little compared to the power of taking inspired action.
Then you don a crown of resilience powered by your creative sovereignty. You take action from a place of life-giving expansion that is sometimes so much fun, you’re not sure it’s legal.
This year you listen first to your own knowing and then to what They know (or what They think they know). No more looking for the magic answer outside of you. Your sacred question is “What do I know?” And you have the quiet inside to hear your answers.
Your eyes get an adjustment in the coming months so you can see your gifts not through the lens of how someone else may or may not value them but through the eyes of love – in other words, holy batgirl, you are a miracle! You always knew it but now you know it.
That project, that dream, that desire you’ve abandoned a few thousand times before? With gratitude and complete self-forgiveness you pick it up and cradle it, and ask it what it needs to come into being this year.
Cradling happens often this year as you remember the call of your own rhythms and each time you are tempted to say, “No, I can’t. I have to push myself, do more, be more, make more,” you pause, put your hand on your heart, and turn toward that which is bigger than you (nature, god, goddess, love). You breath in that otherness and remember you always, always have a choice.
Retreats are woven through this year, hours to yourself by an ocean or river, a weekend away with girlfriends to paint, dance, giggle, even perhaps a week devoted to you and your creative desire.
The force of “YES!” permeates your life as you are able to be with what is – without pushing it away or making it wrong. By saying yes to life as it is, you are experience a wholeness that expands beyond you to bless everyone you know, have known, and will know.
Finally, whenever you have the need, you become a still pool of water, reflecting the sky, deep blue, cloudless. Completely at peace.
Sounds like a good year to me. You in? Please add your own vision intentions and bless us all!
P.S. I’m over at Amy Kessel’s place being goofy talking about unfurling, fiction, and putting art before money. Come watch me be profoundly silly.
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