13 Ways to Savor & Serve (unity baby unity)

Jun 11, 2011

Let’s bring into action, shall we?

1. Love list: write down what you love. Linger over it. Share it on the bus, at work, on Facebook. When you own what you love, nothing can stop you.

2. Talk to a homeless person (or anyone else you would shy away from) with the same care you would someone you truly admire. Connection creates dignity.

3. Take in a news story that makes you want to run away screaming. Instead breath deeply, relax your body, and witness. Alchemize compassion fatigue.

4. Next grocery store trip, bless all the people and resources that put that Fuji apple from New Zealand in your hand, that saffron from Iran. Experience the vast supply chain supporting you and you might get curious about where it’s not supporting the planet.

5. Write a thank-you note to your garbage man or local council person or favorite writer. Focus on what you get from the relationship as you write. Counter intuitive; try it.

6. Delete thoughts of comparsion when they arise about how others are serving or savoring better than you. When you compare, you despair & despair kills change.

7. Write sweet silly ju-ju on sticky notes and plaster them around your office, downtown, library, kid’s school. My Lilly wrote: You smell nice. I wrote: Today will be a better day. We’ve done this many times = fun. My favorite place we stuck them: backdoor of bakery, half way down the outside wall of the bank, post office front door, inside library book drop. The power of love is infinite.

8. Share your soul – teach something you know. Ignorance is not bliss and your wisdom is sorely needed.

9. See yourself as someone who savors & serves. Create a new story that there is enough time, enough resources, enough bliss to go around.

10. Look for things you spend money on that no longer serve you, that you no longer savor. Desire does not acquire, it frees.

11. Go the where the wild things live and lay down there. Rest. Rest some more.

12. Let your wildest dreams about a just and fair world be spoken. Dare to speak a better story. Watch this Pop Talk by Alex Steffen to get inspired.

13. Put your arm around the parts of you that more rather buy another pair of shoes than give money to someone who is starving. Put your arm around the part of yourself that works yourself to death helping. Drench all of you in awareness and love. Refuse to polarize.

14. Bonus: Do something really kind for yourself today. Because that, my darling, is where it all begins.

Photo: My back. Taken by the darling Jason Poole. Because of Jen Lemen and Andrea Sher of Mondo Beyondo fame. At The World Domination Summit.

Jettison Self-Doubt and Lose the Itty-Bitty-Shitty Committee and Make Your Thing Now

From the national best-selling author of The Woman’s Comfort Book and Why Bother.

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